Here should, eventually, be anything and everything that I can find concerning the Late Pleistocene in Scotland, why not take a look?
ABOUT PRE-History Project
This is the outreach home of the PRE-History Project (Pleistocene Recolonisation Events), which aims to track Human and Animal Recolonisations of Landscapes and Environments in Late Pleistocene Scotland and Ireland. Here can be found updates on the project and its findings, along with learning resources and media outputs.
PhD - Leia Tilley - Aberdeen University - QUADRAT
Official Title: - 'An Integrated Multi-Proxy Approach to the Late Pleistocene Landscapes and Environments of Ireland and Scotland, and the Potentials for Human and Faunal Recolonizations at the End of the Last Ice Age'
The background image is (c) Alessandro Mangione & Benedetto Sala